It's not just a trip anymore. I am hoping to revamp this blog to include a lot of different things mainly centered around my life as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala, but also including other random things I find myself reflecting upon. The contents of this blog reflect my opinions and not those of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps program. Enjoy!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Oh Uganda
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Some photos of water project

Water Projects and Pilas Schools
Water project update:
So the water project is pretty much done. It only took the builders around two weeks to get everything done. All that we’re waiting for now is for the cement to dry, which should take about a month-it’s the rainy season so it takes a little while, and we want to be completely sure that the cement is fully dry before filling the deposit. The tubes are also in place for the faucets, which just lack the faucet part itself-I think they were going to install those today. The height of the handwashing station slopes downward so that smaller kids will be more able to reach the ones on the right side, while the faucets on the left side are a little higher for the older kids. They also just put the top on the deposit so that rain and dirt doesn’t get in (and also so the kids don’t decide to play in there). It all came together so quickly we’re all surprised most of the work is already done.
Here again is the site where you can donate for water projects:
We lack a little less than half of the amount-HUGE THANKS again to those who already helped.
In other schools, they’ve also been coming up with their own projects. One school is constructing latrines with the help of the muni and the Padres de Familia. Another school is constructing a kitchen, while another has some new classrooms, deposit and handwashing stations. Of course, all of these schools are in the municipality that actually helps and gives money towards school projects. The other isn’t quite as supportive yet, but hopefully we can convince them that this is important. Meanwhile, a director in this muni has built his own handwashing station on the weekends partially using money that the school got from hosting cock fights during the feria. At least the money’s going to good use.
At another school, three of the teachers got together and wrote out a month of lesson plans, materials lists, and activities to use in the classroom and all of the teachers are teaching health lessons on Mondays and Fridays. They moreover invited the health center and some university students to come and give a talk to the parents and students on hygiene, which was really great.
Most of the schools have their “Healthy Corners” in place and I’ve seen some classrooms practicing healthy habits. In all, I lucked out with my placement because pretty much all of the schools are willing to work hard and the teachers are really creative and enthusiastic. I’m really looking forward to working with them over the next year and a half or so.
Over the past week and a half, I’ve helped give two HIV/AIDS workshops to middle school kids and participated in a Project Design and Management workshop and will participate and help give a library workshop next week, so I’m keeping busy. I’m also visiting schools, as usual, and judging the Rincones de Salud (Healthy Corners) to pick ten winners. I also have a certification on Friday, the first one, for a school that I really love, so that will be fun. So things are flying by but going really well. I’m happy, healthy, and ready for summer vacation-only five more weeks left. It will be sad to have such a long time away from the schools, but the time will be nice for planning, finding some local sources of funding for projects, taking K’iche’, planning an American culture day, and finding other activities to keep me busy. I also have yet to take any of the three personal days we get per month, so I’ll take some of those and travel a little.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
No Time!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Just a note
Friday, August 6, 2010
Water Projects and Other Stuff
I was in
Anyway, Reconnect was ok. A week in
The next week was more school visits, most of which were really positive. I’m lucky because a lot of my schools are supportive of the program and have started working on things right away. One requirement, Rincones de Salud (Healthy Corners) where the students have their toothbrushes, toothpaste, and towels, are one quick sign whether a school is willing to work or not. Some schools have rincones in all of their classrooms with creative themes. Some teachers have put a lot of work into their rincones and have made them really beautiful, with themes like ocean, ducks, chicks, etc. We’ve even got a lot of them using recycled materials (bottles, cans, etc) to construct the rincones. Then there are other schools where maybe half of the teachers have rincones because some teachers just don’t care. And then there are schools where no one is really invested in the program and nothing much has been done in the two months since the first training. But in general, most schools have started out well and some have even been pleasant surprises since the first visit. We’ll see how things continue to go once my partner and I split schools and start working one-on-one with them.
A few things have been changing. I’ve been more into cooking lately, so I made a lot of different stuff last week, like pita bread, chilaquiles, red pepper sauce, pancakes, a cheese and tomato soup. I made some peanut butter and banana bread yesterday which turned out pretty well. I was surprised that I could make pretty much whatever I want here-it helps to have Hiper Paiz, the Wal-Mart of
I also have a kitten now. I think it’s a girl, but I’m not really sure because it’s still pretty small. The kitten is really cute-white with multi-colored spots and a tail that is striped gray and black. It cries a lot when I’m not petting it, but I think it’s slowly getting used to my house. It had fleas but I gave it a flea bath today that I think killed most of them. However, I now have fleas again so I’ll have to wash everything and take some B1.
That’s all for now. I have a pretty busy month-two trainings (one of which I’m helping give), a rincones contest (we’re picking the best healthy corners, so we’ll have to visit every classroom between the two of us and then judge them all), school visits, maybe a trip up north. I’ll keep on cooking. I just bought some curry so I’m going to make some Indian dishes in the coming week. Hope the last month of summer goes well!