Friday, July 1, 2011

On a more light-hearted note

This has nothing at all to do with Guatemala. I am sitting at home in bed, not feeling so hot (but on the mend) and because I am still in my first week of having internet at my fingertips, I have been surfing the web. I can't even begin to explain how I've been jumping from one topic to another. One of my recent pursuits has been organizing my online bookshelf and going through the books I've read lately. I came across Anne of Green Gables, which I reread for maybe the fifth time last year, and learned that it's hundredth anniversary has come and gone (in 2008). Then I came across an article by Margaret Atwood, written for this anniversary. Here is the article: 'Nobody ever did want me'. The article is a few years old, but, as she mentions, Anne really has stayed the same.

Atwood briefly mentions various commemorative items that came out to celebrate the anniversary. I would especially love to have a talking doll that says, "'You mean, hateful boy! How dare you!' followed by the sharp crack of a slate being broken over a thick skull, or else, 'I hate you - I hate you - I hate you! You are a rude, unfeeling woman!'"

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