Today was the last visit of the year and it was a really great visit to close things with. It's at one of the better schools and the teachers seemed a little peeved that we were taking time out of this last day before finals to talk to the kids about handwashing, but once they saw our fun activities, they seemed to gladly take part. And the kids were respectful, even the older kids. Usually I don't enjoy working with older kids as much as with younger kids because the older ones are disrespectful, don't participate, just stare at you like you're crazy. But these kids participated. And there is one boy in particular who I remember from my first visit to the school a year and a half ago and who has always talked to me, asked me how to say things in English. And now he's off to middle school next year, so it was nice to say bye to him because I won't likely see him next year. And now 200 kids or so know why handwashing is important and will hopefully think before the next time they eat about what they have on their hands.
The past couple of weeks have been really good weeks. For one, I've spent quite a few days with fast internet (though that has slowed down once again), so I was able to watch some youtube videos and download and listen to my favorite NPR podcasts. One of the towns I work in had their fair so I marched in the parade with one of the schools dressed in the traditional shirt and skirt (huipil and corte) worn here. It was fun despite how slowly everything was moving and teachers and kids alike loved seeing me dressed in the clothing they wear all the time. And the school visits have gone pretty well. The one school that I was really not looking forward to surprised us and the visit went super smoothly. This is the largest school I work in with 23 teachers and over 700 kids, so it is usually difficult to get everyone on the same page, but the teachers all did their part and the kids for the most part were well-behaved. Again, the older kids, the sixth-graders, were super respectful and when I told them that I would miss them, I really meant it. I sometimes get a little choked up with the kids that I remember from day one in the schools who are going on with their studies, but I know full well that they will likely not go on to do much due to the unemployment that plagues Guatemala. But at least they value their studies and many of them will go on to middle school (if they can afford to). And, the director at this big school surprised us by telling us that she had called the recycling company we've been promoting to the schools and they were going to come by and pick up all of their recyclables (bottles, glass, cardboard, paper). And the school is constructing 8 faucets for next year. It's amazing what people can do once they have some motivation or even just the basic information about things. So now I will leave Guatemala knowing that at least my worst school has accomplished something really great.
Break won't start right away. We won't have any more school visits, but there are a few schools that we were not able to visit so I may head up to them and at least say goodbye to the teachers for this year. I've also been asked to be the madrina (godmother) of a few sixth grade classes, so I will attend and participate in their closing ceremonies at the end of the month. And then, in November, the break. It kind of stretches before me as kind of an empty few months, but I'm sure that the things I plan on working on will soon morph into big projects requiring much of my time. Plans as they stand now are to work on a sex-ed curriculum, perhaps work in a neighboring town's library and learn more about the process to start help one of my towns to get a library started in their community, planning a workshop on planning participatory lessons and activities to give to some government workers and our teachers next year, and finish up grad school applications. There are also trainings for volunteers to work on and possibly helping write/edit a manual.
So that's all for now. The rain continues to fall, so I'm going to sign off now and make myself some nice, hot atol to enjoy with some biscuits and enjoy a book before turning in early. Feliz noche!
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