Monday, November 7, 2011

It's harvest time

Right now I can hear the kids outside my window, talking to each other as they husk the corn and throw it into baskets. Their parents, meanwhile, are in the field behind my house, cutting down the stalks and gathering the corn. Luckily this year it didn't rain and ruin the crop so it's looking like it will be a good year for corn and hopefully tortilla prices will go back to being 4 for Q1 rather than the 3 for Q1 that it is now. Also luckily, the weather has been gorgeous these past few weeks-sun shining, clear blue sky, a little on the hot side, a light breeze blowing through the corn stalks. The color of the corn turned from green to golden several weeks ago, and the golden color will disappear from the fields to become the brown of the soil. This is how Guatemala will look until I leave in March, which is a little depressing but I feel fortunate to have seen so many beautiful sites here up to now. Right now I'm going up to the roof to check on my clothes to see if they have dried, which they probably have since the sun is so strong lately.

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