Sunday, January 22, 2012

And another change... is back in session!! I loved seeing all of the kids with their nice new backpacks, carrying freshly covered notebooks, walking holding their moms' hands on Monday morning of this week. I didn't have time to go to school-just a quick stop by the superintendent's office to let him know we had a Peace Corps meeting. But I did pass a lot of kids who knew me and stopped to say hi.

This school year has gotten off to a kind of rocky start. Inscription was down because some parents, who in previous years got used to handouts from the government consisting of school supplies, decided that they wouldn't send their kids to school unless the new government also provided school supplies. Teachers also talked of striking until the government agreed to help families with the cost of supplies. But my host mom has been raking in the dough (kind of) as lots of people have been stopping by to purchase the notebooks, pens, art supplies, markers, etc. necessary to start the school year off.

I have nineteen days to visit twenty-one schools. This amount of time may be whittled down as I schedule doctor's appointments, attend Peace Corps meetings, and face cancellations of prepared visits (there are lots of workshops at the beginning of the school year). We have prioritized schools based on who will actually keep going with the program and who is likely to quit (one contender for quitting-the school whose principal gave a fist pump when we mentioned we wouldn't be followed by any volunteers, signifying he was happy the program would stop after our time finished). We are hoping to set up a commission so that some teachers can keep things going in the absence of volunteers, and I truly believe that some schools will keep going with healthy practices and rincones de salud. But it is still unfortunate and sad that our work will be in jeopardy as things come to a standstill. Sustainability is important, but it takes more than two years to really get a project off the ground.

Anyway, that's the other big change in my life. Tomorrow I will be back to visit the superintendent to give him the bad news of the early COS date and to discuss our plans for the next month. Lots to do!

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